The Incredibles

OK, although I’m scared at the amount of animated movies that are out and coming out I decided to go see The Incredibles. Surprisingly, though, this movie was pretty funny in a cartoon-like-sense. This isn’t comedy like that of Chris Rock’s but stuff that almost anybody who is or once was a kid [yes, there are exceptions] would laugh at. There are, as in almost all recent animated films, a number of quips and jokes that fly over kids’ heads and get the parents and older crowd into it. This is a good “I could use a few laughs” movie. This is an OK date movie, first or continuing “relationship” (I use the term very loosely— get it? get it? loose? …you guys suck) and even a good film to watch with friends &/ family.

The Incredibles
3 1/2 of 5 stars



