Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
The Internet is broken…again. #FiveTechWordHorr…
The Internet is broken…again. #FiveTechWordHorrors
Wonder how many people would be interested in buyi…
Wonder how many people would be interested in buying a packaged Rasberry PI WiFi controller for their Neato robotic vacuums @NeatoRobotics
Surprisingly easy and painless warranty replacemen…
Surprisingly easy and painless warranty replacement process for my #invisibleSHIELD screen cover. Just $3.99 for the processing. #Zagg FTW.
Please update (overhaul) your mobile app @toggl an…
Please update (overhaul) your mobile app @toggl and I promise you people will love you for it! #non-billable
Is this Hummus Garden on Ft. Hamilton Avenue in #K…
Is this Hummus Garden on Ft. Hamilton Avenue in #Kensington ever actually open?! #GrandOpeningFail http://t.co/K9lWQ6bW6O
Thanks for soliciting my entire building, includin…
Thanks for soliciting my entire building, including the people who live in our elevator @BurgerKing http://t.co/Bd29FYcFMl
Avoid @picsfly for a wedding photo booth at ALL CO…
Avoid @picsfly for a wedding photo booth at ALL COSTS! Paid months in advance only to have them cancel on us two days prior to our wedding!
Nothing like getting your #PS4 first thing in the…
Nothing like getting your #PS4 first thing in the morning and having to wait the entire day to get home and use it. http://t.co/4jVfjtQS5m
What is with iOS 7.0.3 and it constantly showing t…
What is with iOS 7.0.3 and it constantly showing the landscape keyboard when in portrait mode on the lock screen?! http://t.co/q8KGYeuuWO
Safe and enjoying spectacular weather in Nha Trang…
Safe and enjoying spectacular weather in Nha Trang. Hope everyone up north is well and safe. #HoneymoonCommence http://t.co/RKmyJ71q2E
Got any book recommendations?