Finals' Week Continues (for me anyway)

…stupid Budhiono and his private school.

Anyway, as per schedule I’m still awake, “studying” for my English final later today. I probably won’t sleep tonight [this morning?] at all because the class is kind of early and if I go to sleep I might not wake up at all for the test; better I loose some sleep now and gain it after I get back home.

While I’m on the note of insomnia (finals’ week related or in general) Juan is notorious for sleeping very little and staying up for days at a time (I’m not entirely sure why but that’s besides the point) and Erik even made a point of it during one of our poker games on Friday night. He had been up for roughly 4 days and was going strong; he actually won the pot, but afterwards when we were going to get something to eat he fell asleep in my car! Stupid asslusterous momo! So now I’m driving around listening to U2 at 3am on a Friday night with some white dude passed out in my passenger side–Greeaaat! [No sarcasm…really]

Side note: Here is a funny snapshot of Microsoft Word while I was checking this post for any mispelled words, etc. It apparently found what it thought was a mispelled word and offered a correction.

Asslusterous - To be lackluster in an 'ass' like manner







One response to “Finals' Week Continues (for me anyway)”

  1. JiggaDigga Avatar

    Great reading, keep up the great posts.
    Peace, JiggaDigga

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